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Need something from the archives?

send the Archive Mole.

Your expert in the archives

Having issues getting to UK archives? Need extra material for your book or research article? Want to enhance the scope of your MA or PhD thesis?

use the archive mole DOCUMENT COPYING service.


Led by an independent researcher with a PhD in History and over fifteen years of archival research experience, our Archive Mole team will: â€‹


  • Visit archives, records offices and libraries anywhere in the UK on your behalf (including the National Archives and the British Library)

  • Copy and send you digital photographs of the requested archival materials


If you're a student, early career researcher or lecturer/professor, you can rely on us to offer you a reliable, independent, knowledgeable and affordable service.


We also offer a range of other services tailored to your needs, including Document Review, Material Location, Proofreading, File Renaming, Transcription, and Administration. 


simple, hassle-free booking

1. tell us what you need

Confirm your details and research requirements using our simple booking form.

2. we'll go and COPY it for you

You'll receive booking and payment details, and we'll head off to the archives on your behalf.

Our Document Copying service is charged at a half-day rate of £135 (reduced rate of £100 for students), plus the cost of any travel expenses.


"I've already recommended Archive Mole to grad students who require access to archival material."

Dr Matthew Blake Strickland
University of Florida, USA

December 2023

"The quality of photographs is really excellent. I will absolutely use Archive Mole again."

Dr Daphna Oren-Magidor
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
August 2023

"This is an excellent archival research service! The whole process was easy and Matthew was a pleasure to work with."

Alina Bykova, PhD student
Stanford University, USA
July 2023

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